Hey everyone! I am so glad Shannon is letting me get to know you all a little better!
My name is Torie and I'm a twenty-something college senior (cue panic attacks) who loves to write. I am a journalism/PR/writing student who dreams of seeing her name on bookstore shelves everywhere. Even though I'm headed at a disturbingly fast speed into adulthood, I still feel like a kid most of the time. Some of my guilty pleasures include vegging out all day without leaving the couch or my pajamas, reading comic books (and books in general - I'm a major bookworm) and occasionally having a Disney marathon. I love the color purple, a good interior design scheme (though I don't have much of a talent for it myself), the show Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Supernatural, anything superhero related - have you seen the shoes I made ?
Most weekends you can find me either working on bloggy things, holed up in a coffee shop with a hot cup of caffeine or out on a hot date with my boyfriend, A. He's a frequent face on the blog as we've been together for almost 6 years.
I started blogging as a way to document my college years and all the crazy lessons I was learning. It began as a sort of online journal - a creative outlet. It is still that outlet for me, but it has since evolved into so much more - and I couldn't be happier to be involved in this wonderful community! Blogging has become a passion. In fact, it's become such a passion that it's often hard to strike a solid balance.
My little corner of the internet is Lattes and Love (I just registered a domain - I feel like such a big girl!) You'll find anything from college adventures to recaps of date night to style, music, literature, fashion, and more. Really whatever strikes my fancy.
Blogging has always been about community for me. It's so important to me that my readers feel like they can access me. I am not a big blogger, and if I ever am, I still want my readers to feel like I genuinely appreciate them - because I do! We have this really unique power as bloggers to have an influence, to have people take what you have to say, how you present yourself, what choices you make, seriously. It is my main hope as a blogger that I am wielding that power for good. I hope to reach people with my words and to make even one person feel a little less alone. I love making connections and blogging lets me do just that!
So come stop by Lattes and Love leave a comment, send me a tweet, shoot me an email. I'd love to get to know you better!
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I love Torie! (: Following her already!